Sunday 17 September 2017

Community Speedwatch on Castleton Park

Although not strictly cycling related, an initiative has started on the Castleton Park area of Church Gresley.  We have noted issues with the cycling infrastructure in the area (see previous article) and calming traffic will help improve safety for cyclists and walkers alike.

The Castleton Park community group, which has a sizeable and active social media following from it's residents, has recently started a Community Speedwatch group.

Residents have concerns over several issues including parking, inconsiderate driving and also speeding.  There are aspirations of making the estate a 20mph zone in an attempt to make it safer.

As nothing in life is simple the creation of a 20mph zone will involve a lot of lobbying the highways authority (Derbyshire County Council).  Recent history of engagement suggests this will not be easy - despite the best efforts of the previous County Councillor, essential double yellow lines on the Brunel Way / Westminster Drive roundabout have still not been installed.

Most traffic calming measures will only be installed where there is a history of accidents but as Castleton Park is still relatively new this data set is small.  In industry the methodology around safety measures is based on near misses but this is not the case with public highways.

Interestingly in Scotland, there is currently a consultation on all urban roads becoming 20mph zones as can be read here.  In England it seems that there is a lot more red tape to get through.

The Community Speedwatch is being run by volunteers in conjunction with members of the Swadlincote Safer Neighbourhoods Team (SNT).  Members, including myself, have been given training by the SNT before they can start the speedwatch.  The training includes where the speedwatch can be done and when and also how to set up signage and, most importantly, how to use the equipment and record details.

The SNT also support the groups on the first sessions and provide the equipment.  The first session focused on 2 different areas.  There were a significant number of motorists caught speeding in one of the locations.  The next step for these drivers will be a letter informing them of the speeding, meanwhile the data showing the amount of speeding will hopefully be significant in the groups aims at making the area safer in terms of reducing speed.

The initiative has already drawn attention from several sources.  Notably, local social media sites alerted drivers to the presence of the dedicated members of the team on an early session, whilst more positively there are other groups wanting to start schemes in other local areas.

We are grateful to the Castleton Park Community group leaders for getting this initiative off the ground and to the Swadlincote SNT team (especially the local PCSO's) for their support.

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